Contract Works/ Construction Insurance

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Contract Works/ Construction Insurance

Contract works insurance (also known as ‘Construction All Risks’ insurance) provides cover for construction-related activities of a construction project or multiple projects. It covers accidental risks of physical loss, and damage to the contract works during construction as well as third party liabilities and compensation.

Who needs it

  • Builders working on a construction project.
  • Sub-contractors who run their own projects on the side.
  • Trades people who run their own projects.
  • A project owner about to undertake a construction project.

Covers generally includes:

Material damage or theft (forcible entry to storage) of contract works - third party property damage - material damage to on-site plant and equipment and existing structures - third party bodily injury - legal liability - advanced loss of profits and rental - transit cover - delay in start-up.

Get Quote by Our Team

We will be glad to support your request and find the right coverage for you.

Office A - Tower B, 13th Floor, Al Mana Twin Towers,
C-Ring Road, Bin Mahmoud,
Doha-Qatar. P.O. Box: 20794

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