School Insurance

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What insurance coverage does your school need?

Schools need insurance for obvious things, such as the building, the desks, and the educational equipment. Beyond that, schools also need to insure their faculty and staff, their reputation, and their ability to continue to educate students. Business insurance isn’t one size fits all, and when it comes to educational facilities and schools, insuring them goes beyond traditional business policies. Here are some examples of what a specialized school insurance policy may cover:

  • Business Auto
  • Commercial Property
  • General Liability
  • Commercial Umbrella
  • Workers’ Compensation

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We will be glad to support your request and find the right coverage for you.

Office A - Tower B, 13th Floor, Al Mana Twin Towers,
C-Ring Road, Bin Mahmoud,
Doha-Qatar. P.O. Box: 20794

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